Zurich Hotel


Zurich Hotel

Studio Aisslinger, a frequent collaborator of B.lux, signed the interior design project for the 25 Hours Hotel Langstrasse, located in Zurich. The hotel is part of a chain whose goal in design is to provide an enjoyable experience for its guests. The entire environment is specially crafted to achieve this, so the lighting fixtures used in this project also meet the requirement of being fun. In the hotel's common areas we installed the Aspen F and Tree Series F lighting fixtures. The hotel rooms are illuminated with customized versions of the Cone Light suspension and wall fixtures, also designed by Werner Aisslinger. We tailored the metal components of our pieces to the specific needs of each function, we worked with the Bone Chine ceramic, and we created specific finishes for the different floors, using chrome, copper, and brass as the base materials.

Function: Floor lamps

Collections: Aspen

Project Products
Aspen F

Decorative Lighting Floor lamps

Aspen F

Aspen F 17 Aspen F 40

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