Victor Restaurant


Victor Restaurant

Víctor is a prominent figure in the gastronomy of Bilbao's historic district. Being an establishment with a design preserved since the mid-20th century, its aesthetic renovation demanded the respect for the nuances that had persisted since its inception. However, it was equally important to incorporate lighting that would allow diners to enjoy their cuisine without sacrificing the elegance with which the place had been decorated and developed over the years. The use of optics and opaline glass ensures that the lighting is unobtrusive and is only present in the places where it is truly needed.

Project Products
C_Ball System

Decorative Lighting Lighting Systems

C_Ball System

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C_Ball T

Decorative Lighting Table lamps

C_Ball T

C_Ball T

C_Ball W

Decorative Lighting Wall lamps

C_Ball W

C_Ball W 1L C_Ball W 2L C_Ball W Number

Speers S

Decorative Lighting Suspension lamps

Speers S

Speers S 1 Speers S 2 / S 3 Speers S 4 Speers S 6

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